Package advancedrelay.laygo

Java Interface to the LayGO API.


Interface Summary
ProtocolEventObject Common interface for protocol events and event exceptions.

Class Summary
DataEvent Encapsulates the successful result of a read() or readSpecial().
DeviceDatabase Wrapper class for the global device database.
FrameRelay Exports constants from the Frame Relay link protocol layer.
Lapb Exports constants from the LAPB link protocol layer.
Lapd Exports constants from the LAPD link protocol layer.
Laygo JNI wrapper class for LayGO API functions defined in laygo.h and manifest constants defined in laygodef.h.
LaygoDevice JNI wrapper class for LayGO Device Library functions and manifest constants defined in device.h.
LaygoLib Encapsulates access to the LayGO API Library.
Pointer Simple Pointer class intended solely for use in calling native methods where a pointer to a pointer is required in C to return a pointer through a function parameter.
ProtocolDevice Wrapper class for a LayGO Device.
ProtocolEvent Encapsulates the successful result of a poll() or event().
ProtocolService Encapsulation of a LayGO CID into a ProtocolService.
ProtocolStack Encapsulates supervisory access to the LayGO protocol stack.
ProtocolStackServer Encapsulates access to the LayGO RPC Server.
Result Simple Result class intended solely for use in calling Laygo class methods where a pointer to a scalar is required in C to return a value through a function parameter.
StatisticsTable Statistics table object to be returned by ProtocolService.getStatistics().
StatusReport Status report object to be returned by ProtocolService.getStatus().
StatusSummary Status summary object for use by the StatusReport class.
X21bis Exports constants from the X.21 bis protocol layer.
X25 Exports constants from the X.25 network protocol layer.

Exception Summary
ProtocolEventException Encapsulates the unsuccessful result a read() or readSpecial() when an unexpected event is waiting.
ProtocolStackException General LayGO exception class for protocol stack errors.

Package advancedrelay.laygo Description

Java Interface to the LayGO API.