Firmware Updates

The firmware for the PXSu is field upgradeable using the USB Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) device class specification. When a PXSu is put into DFU mode, it appears to the operating system as a different device. The DfuSe program provided allows the user to perform the upgrade.

The LayGO PXS-USB DFU Driver Package contains the device driver and auxiliary files to help in the installation of the PXSu DFU driver.

Please make sure the DFU driver is installed before connecting the PXSu to start the update.

The driver package is available for download from our FTP site. Contact Advanced Relay Support for download instructions. The installation file is laygodfu-3.10.msi. Execute it as administrator and just follow the instructions on the screen.

By default the toolkit is installed in C:\laygoutk-3.10\drv\dfu. The tools are in the bin\win32 subdirectory.

Only one PXSu can be upgraded in a system at a time. All other PXSu units not being upgraded must be unplugged from the system.

To perform the upgrade, make sure all PXSu units are unplugged from the system. Then start the DfuSe program from the Start → Programs → LayGO PXS-USB Toolkit menu.

DfuSe Startup
DfuSe Startup

Plug in the PXSu to be upgraded. The DfuSe should recognize the adapter.

DfuSe with PXSu plugged in
DfuSe with PXSu plugged in

Signal the PXSu to enter DFU mode by pressing the Enter DFU Mode button.

The first time an upgrade is performed in a system, the operating system will present the Found New Hardware Wizard. Follow the instructions in Installing the Driver to install the DFU driver.

The PXSu should now be recognized by the DfuSe program:

DfuSe with PXSu in DFU mode
DfuSe with PXSu in DFU mode

When the PXSu is in DFU mode, the red LED should flash instead of the green LED.

The upgraded firmware is provided in a file with the .dfu extension. To load the firmware upgrade into the DfuSe, press the Choose... button, find the file in the Open dialog:

DfuSe with firmware upgrade loaded
DfuSe with Open Dialog

Press the Open button to load the firmware:

DfuSe with firmware upgrade loaded
DfuSe with firmware upgrade loaded

Press the Upgrade button to perform the upgrade:

DfuSe performing the firmware upgrade
DfuSe performing the firmware upgrade

The upgrade is now complete:

DfuSe performing the firmware upgrade
DfuSe with completed firmware upgrade