Cable Layout

Male DB-25

The male version of the PXSu behaves as a DTE. The input (I) and output (O) direction in the following table are from the PXSu point of view.

PINSignal Name RS232
1 Shield - - - -
2 Transmit Data (-) BA 103 BA(A) O
3 Receive Data (-) BB 104 BB(A) I
4 Request to Send (-) CA 105 CA(A) O
5 Clear to Send (-) CB 106 CB(A) I
6 Data Set Ready (-) CC 107 CC(A) I
7 Signal Ground AB 102 AB -
8 Receive Line Signal Detected (DCD)(-) CF 109 CF(A) I 1
9 Receive Clock (+) 115 DD(B) I
10 Receive Line Signal Detected (DCD)(+) 109 CF(B) I 1
11 Transmit Clock (DTE Source) (+) 113 DA(B)
12 Transmit Clock (+) 114 DB(B) I
13 Clear to Send (+) CB(B) I
14 Transmit Data (+) 103 BA(B) O
15 Transmit Clock (-) DB 114 DB(A) I
16 Receive Data (+) 104 BB(B) I
17 Receive Clock (-) DD 115 DD(A) I
19 Request to Send (+) CA(B) O
20 Data Terminal Ready (-) CD 108 CD(A) O
21 RL/RI RL/CE 140/125 RL/- 2
22 Data Terminal Ready (+) CD(B) O
23 Data Set Ready (+) CC(B) I
24 Transmit Clock (DTE Source) (-) DA 113 DA(A) O
25 LL/TM LL/TM 141/142 LL/TM 3
Male DB-25 Connector Pin Assignments


  1. DCD can be programmed to be an output (like a DCE) or an input (like a DTE) signal. By default, it is an input signal.
  2. RL is an output signal. RI is an input signal. The software can select which signal to use. By default, RI is selected.
  3. LL is an output signal. TM is an input signal. The software can select which signal to use. By default, TM is selected.