laygorpcd RPC Server

laygorpcd is a Solaris or Linux daemon program for the LayGO RPC Server. laygorpcd runs in the background under Solaris or Linux, providing access to clients running on any platform which provides a DCE-compatible implementation of RPC.

Installing laygorpcd

laygorpcd can either be started at a terminal or automatically by the system when it boots. See the man page on inittab for information on the latter option.

Starting laygorpcd

The command-line syntax for laygorpcd is:

laygorpcd [-d] [-e <error file>] [-l <log file>]
          [-r] [-s <stack number>] [-w <directory>]
          [cfg file list]

Command-line options are case sensitive.

Command-Line Options
[ -d ] By default, laygorpcd allows any client program to shutdown the server. The -d option disables remote shutdown. When the -d option is used, only laygorpcd itself can shutdown the server.
[ -e <error file>] By default, laygorpcd writes errors to /dev/console. The -e option is used to redirect error output to a file.
[ -l <log file>] By default, laygorpcd writes log entries to /dev/console. The -l option is used to redirect log output to a file.
[ -r ] By default, laygorpcd configures, initializes and enables the LayGO protocol stack before starting the RPC server. The stack is then ready to accept open requests as soon as server startup is complete. The -r option tells laygorpcd to start the RPC server without configuring or initializing the stack. These tasks are left to a client program, but laygorpcd still uninitializes the stack when the server is stopped.
[ -s <stack number> ] By default, laygorpcd registers the server with RPC name service as /:./Laygo/Stack0. The -s option tells laygorpcd to register the server using a different stack number. This allows clients to choose which server to connect to if more than one is available.
[ -t ] By default, laygorpcd runs as a daemon, without a connection to the terminal. When the -t option is used, laygorpcd does not become a daemon, retaining its connection to the terminal.
[ -w <directory>] By default, laygorpcd runs in the current working directory. The -w option is used to set the working directory somewhere else.
[ cfg file list ] The LayGO protocol stack is configured using the ordered list of files.

Stopping laygorpcd

If laygorpcd is run with the -t command-line option, it retains a connection to the terminal and can be stopped by pressing <Ctrl-C>. Otherwise, enter:

# ps -A | grep laygorpcd

to find its process id. Then enter:

# kill -HUP <process id>

to stop the daemon.