The LayGO PXS - Protocol eXchange Server family of products are embedded systems that enable a host computer to communicate with synchronous devices over an Ethernet network. In its basic configuration, a PXS acts as a replacement for a LayGO Synchronous Communication Card. Custom applications allow the PXS to act as a router, bridge or front-end processor.
This set of manuals describe the family. Currently there are two memebers in the family: the PXS and PXSe. Most information applies to both types. Where there are differences, they will be noted.
In addition, the PXSe features the Universal LayGO Bus which allows daughter cards with specialized functionality to be inserted. For instance, a second synchronous line can be added.
This reference gives a complete technical description of the PXS and explains how to install the PXS in its basic configuration.
The LayGO PXS includes support for configuration using an onboard web server based on version 2.1 of the GoAhead WebServer. Copyright © 2002 by GoAhead Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.