Console connection

For the PXS, a serial connection between the asynchronous port and a COM port on a PC is the preferred method for configuring the PXS's IP address.

The PXSe does not have an asynchronous port available by default. To change the default IP address, the procedure described in Telnet connection should be followed. If the RedBoot async option is enabled, The SYNC/ASYNC port will be placed in asynchronous mode when RedBoot starts.

The rest of this page explains the procedure to connect to the PXS asynchronous port and get a RedBoot command prompt.

You will need a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal. In Windows, you will find HyperTerminal in Start → Programs → Accesories → Communications menu. Start HyperTerminal and enter a connection name in the Connection Description dialog:

Connection Description Dialog
Connection Description Dialog.

Click the OK button to bring up the Connect To dialog:

Connect To Dialog
Connect To Dialog

From the "Connect using" drop-down list, select an available COM port. (This is the port where you will connect the null modem cable.) Click the OK button. In the Communication Properties dialog, select the values shown below and click the OK button.

Communication Properties Dialog
Communication Properties Dialog

Note that the lower left corner of the terminal emulator shows Connected. Connect the selected PC COM port to the PXS asynchronous port, using the null modem cable. Connect the AC power adaptor to a wall socket and to the +5VDC input on the PXS.

On the terminal emulator screen you will see a banner followed by the RedBoot prompt:

Console RedBoot Prompt
Console RedBoot Prompt

At the RedBoot prompt, press <Enter>. This will disable the autoloading of the default application. If you do not disable the autoloading feature of the bootloader within the timeout period (the default is 15 seconds), the default application will be loaded from flash memory and started. If this happens, you will have to reset the PXS by disconnnecting and re-applying power.

After you have disabled autoloading, you can view and change the current settings or update the installed software.