Configuring xnet

The X.25 Network Server application is xnet. It should be loaded in the PXS flash memory and defined as default application. See "Updating Software" in the LayGO PXS Installation Guide manual if you need to download xnet to the PXS and use the RedBoot default command, if necessary.

The X.25 Network Server is configured using a combination of a LayGO .cfg file stored in Flash memory and optional command line parameters set using the RedBoot options command. LayGO .cfg file contains all the configuration options related to the X.21 bis, HDLC LAPB and X.25 protocols. See LayGO Configuration for details.

Command Line Options

The xnet server supports the following command line options:


  Actively connect the X.25 major device.
  Default: Passive connect


  Do not autostart the server. The server will be started manually using
  the PXS control application.
  Default: Autostart the server

[-b <server>]

  IP address of backup X.25 address map server.
  Default: <none>

[-f <cfg file>]

  LayGO cfg file.
  Default: xnet-dce.cfg

[-m <map file>]

  X.25 address map file.
  Default: xnet.db

[-n <network node name>]

  Name of the node for address mapping.
  Default: Configured host name

[-s <server>]

  IP address of primary X.25 address map server.
  Default: <none>


  Enable X.25 Map Server registration.
  Default: Disabled


  Enable line 1 as well as line 0.  Options following apply to line 1.
  Default: Disabled